Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For what it's worth.

It's Tuesday.
I have a fever.
It's been two weeks now.
But that's okay, because I'm functioning.
So it's cool.
Or hot.
Fevers are weird.



I'm supposed to have a date today, but, well, we know how those last seven went.
So we will see.
If not, I'm still going to party.
I have a $25 Hannaford giftcard, so I'm going to have some cheese sticks for dinner.
Maybe some potato salad.
And a chocolate orange!
I haven't had one in ages.
I haven't been able to find them for ages.
They are super good.
And I am excited that I found them at Hannaford.
But they're four dollars, which I didn't have at the time, but now I do.
I'm pumped.
Chocolate is good.

We are starting secret flammer today.
I love secret flammer.
We have maybe 15 people doing it this year, which is  more than our entire group was last year.
It's exciting.
I would love to see where this group goes from here.
We have grown so much.

I started writing about Laramie last Friday, but then the computer went
So I stopped.
I cried.
I can admit that.
I am NOT a crier, but Laramie and the GSA, wow.
We all live through so much crap every day.
It's amazing that we can even handle it.
The day when I can walk down the hall and not be called 'faggot'
that will be the day.
I'm not even gay.
I mean, yeah, I like girls.
I like guys.
I like whoever.
Who are you to hate me for who I love?
That just doesn't make any sense.
I don't like putting labels to who I love, I'm open to anyone.
A heart of gold.
That's what I want.

I'm sleepy.
I need to sleep.
This vacation next week can not come fast enough.

That was one of the greatest, most powerful experiences of my life.
I mean, the cast came together.
In the begginning, I remember talking to someone about how we ate dinner on the first late rehearsal.
It was all of the actors who had experience in one circle,
Then all of the freshman, new actors and myself in another circle.
As the late night rehearsals went on, our circles merged.
It was crazy.
We became one as it went on.
Then the cast party after the final show.
It seems silly, but most of the people I talked to, I never had before.
I talked to this one guy, let's call him Peter.
And it wasn't anything like we were pouring our hearts out to eachother,
but it was just... weird.
We talked about tiny hams and songs and how 'faboulous' and 'honey' should be words spoken by everybody.
But I felt this certain... closeness. It was weird.
We were all one.
And the techies, oh the techies.
For a usual show, we might have a dozen techies, usually stage hands, moving furnature, starting out during tech week.
I showed up to every rehearsal.
The light guys started the week before tech week.
Garrett and Joey.
Joey plays Tuba in the band, Garrett plays saxaphone, so I have known them for a while.
But we grew closer as the weeks went on.
Then Emily stepped in as stage manager for stage left.
So on show night, it was me one stage right, Emily stage left, Joey and Garrett in the booth.
Laughing as we told stories during story time, holding hands when support was needed, just being there for eachother.
The four of us.
The smaller cast and tiny crew might be small in size, but our hearts are giant.

We had talk backs with the audience after the Friday and Saturday shows and it was just so emotional.
The final night, we had a bunch of alumni at the show, including my ex-girlfriend.
She thanked us all.
For being brave enough to be able to step forward and put on this powerful show.
Her friend, the directors daughter, talked about how important this show is.
How everyone just needs to be more excepting.
It was just so crazy.
I don't even know how to explain it anymore.

All right.
Time to do some math homework.
Advanced math topics, you are a joke.

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