Monday, March 19, 2012

This is it.

After this, this last blog post, I am totally and completely done with you.
(Please return Ender's Game to Zach and I will get it eventually. Although you will probably never read this. Which I am fine with, because you don't give a shit anyway.)

I am done feeling like shit.
So I decided to at least try and make myself happy again.
I relized 'Hey, you really do make me feel like shit more times than you make me happy.'
For every one time you would make me feel decent, there were a dozen times you would make me feel bad.
That I wasn't worth your time, that I didn't deserve you, that you had so many other better things to do, why did I even stick around?
Because you do. You have better things to do. Which wasn't fair to me.
You lead me on. And that isn't right.
You didn't give a shit.
I tried. I really did.
I said 'good morning' and 'good night' for weeks.
Then, one day, I stopped.
To see if you would notice.
You didn't.
Why didn't I notice then?
When we were together (which wasn't very often) it would be fun. But then you wouldn't really be there.
You never knew what was going on in my life. Never asked.
I went to find someone else, just for one day.
You didn't care.
My uncle died and I got really scared. Because you had a similar thing going on.
You promised me. You promised you would tell me everything.
I asked all day, and I got nothing. You promised you would let me know imediately.
It wasn't until late at night when you let me know you were home.
... You promised. But you left me freaking out all day.
I had no idea if you were even alive.
Can you just imagine for a second what that was like?
You knew how freaked out I was.
And I understand you were having a tough time, I'm not trying to make it sound like it's all about me.
But you promised. You could have had your mom let me know. Something. Anything.
You promised.
You kept bailing on me, last minute.
You left me sitting on a couch, alone.
With nothing.
Then we compromised.
One day a week, half an hour. A short, quick time together.
Once a week.
That lasted for about a month.
Then you started bailing out again.
For whatever reason.
You promised.
You can't even see me once a week. A damn half hour, that's all I asked for.
You promised.
Then you said you would text me 'good morning' and 'good night' everyday.
Every. Day.
That lasted for about a week.
You promised.
When I told you I was out, you didn't even fight it. You just let it happen. There was nothing you could have done, but in that you proved all of my points. That you didn't care. About me. About any of this.

You promised.
And you broke that promise.