Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A story of my cats.


A little background info. 
I have two cats.
Ploarbear and Tony.  
I will refer to them by name.
Polarbear is my cat. The best cat. Not an exageration.
She is the best cat in the history of cats.
Tony is my sister's cat. 
She, like my sister, is a bitch.
Hates me and I hate her. 
Not the point of the story. Meh.
They do not really get along.
It's not that they hate each other, they just don't kill each other anymore.  
Keep that in mind during the story.

We live on a very very ground level apartment.
As in, some times people come to crouch down and sit to talk to the cats in the window.
It's short. Whatever.
Sometimes at night, other cats will come and look in the window. 
Tonight, both cats were sitting in different windows. 
Polarbear was sitting in the living room window and Tony was sitting in the bedroom next to it.
This cat goes over to the window where Tony was sitting.
She starts growling, as she does.
Polarbear perks up and runs to Tony's window.
Usually she just listens for a seconds and lets her be.
So I go over to watch how they react. 
The cats are together, growling and hissing at this other cat. 
The other cat freaks out and runs away. 
They gracefully look at each other and give, what I can only describe as a nod.
Tony gives a little meow and trots off to the next window to further the chase. 
Polarbear looks at me and falls asleep.
Good kitty.

It was more interesting at the time. 

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