Sunday, January 13, 2013


I guess I could update.
So, let's get to it, eh? 

Part 1: Not moving.
I'm not sure if I wrote about this, but I was going to be moving in with Brian "just after the holidays." 
So I should already be moved and settled in by now. 
But it didn't work out that way. 
I asked him about it a week or some before christmas and he said something along the lines of he wants to live alone for a bit longer.
It makes sense, it really does. He hasn't lived alone before, thought he would hate it, blah blah blah.
But it hurt. 
It really really hurt.
I got too excited, my hopes built up to much.
And the way he said it, so easily. It was like he didn't really want me to live with him ever.
Like I was just some rebound chick.
And really, I'd be fine with that. If that's what he wanted, just some rebound bitch, that would be fine, I would just want to know.
So I don't look like an idiot.
But the next day he said it was only going to be a month or two. 
I really hope that's the truth. I don't have any reason to not believe him (Except for the bit where I had to ask if he was serious about me moving in.) and I really don't want to get my hopes up like that again.
So I'm not going to get my hopes up.
Which brings me to...

Part 2: Lackluster (the sequel!)
I haven't been excited about anything lately.
Maybe it's fear of getting my hopes up again?
But I haven't been excited or happy or anything about a damn thing.
Which sucks.
I really really REALLY like being excited about things.
It's one of the perks of being a nerd. 
I like that I can get really excited about everything and be open about it.
But there is nothing to get excited about. 
Maybe I just need something awesome to follow through, and that will kind of get me excited about things again.
I'm not blaming getting my hopes up on Brian, don't twist my words.
I totally understand his whole thing about waiting, it makes all the sense in the world.
I just want to be excited about something.

Part 3: Shoes.
I ordered shoes today, from Debs.
They're cute.
I'll put up a picture once I actually get them.
I ordered a few bras too. But whatever.

Part 4: Oswin Freaking Oswald.
You know what, this deserves an entire post.
So that's next.

Part 5:
I have nothing else.

Part 6: River Song
is my spirit animal.
That makes sense.

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