Thursday, July 15, 2010

Positive blog!

That's right, I refuse to say a single negative thing in this blog!
Yay! Yay. Yay? Yay!

So, let's make a list of things I like:
1. I really like Helvetica. Yay. I like a font. In fact, I'd have to say it's my favorite. Lame, but, whatever.

2. When commas can make thing much, much more awesome. I'm going to have to go with Hank Green's example.
He has a 'Multi-Use Power Mister' and a sharpie. Now, he has 'Multi-Use Power, Mister!'.

3. Youtube. I really like Youtube.

4. Jokes. Just in general. Knock-knock, man-walks-into-a-bar, etc. All kinds of jokes. I wish I could have a group of people sit together in a cirle and just tell jokes for a while.

5. Dinosaurs. The science of dinosaurs and just dinosaurs in general.

6. I like when I draw pictures that actually look... well... good. I mean, yeah, sure, sometimes I draw sometimes. Mostly it's just like 'Hey. I want a terrible picture of an elephant.' And I draw a terrible picture of an elephant. But I drew a pretty good picture of Obama a while back. Then a few days ago I drew a cute little picture of my cute little baby brother. And I am incredibly proud of it. Although, not proud enough of it to, well, show anyone. Bu my sister saw it, and she liked it.

7. Nerdfighteria.

8. Science. Sci-Fi novels, sci-fi moves and television, science itself. If it's got science in it, I will most likely like it.

9. Novels. Books in general, actually. My collection is building. I like it.

10. My room. I just like having room to myself where I can hang out and decorate with me and just puke everywhere if I doso please. Which I don't. But I couldn't if I wanted to. But I don't.

11. Being on the ground. Not in buildings and planes. Being on cold-hard earth. Not on cliff either. Staying possitive. I like being on land.

11.5. I also like being on land for the shear fact that I am not on water.

12. Ukelele's. SPEAKING OF WHICH. I got an goo estimate of around $60 for a uke. Oddly enough, the new ukes were cheaper than the used ones. That was weird.

13. Cover's of Lady Gaga and Kesha and pop people that are actually a lot better than the original.

14. Cuddling with the person you like. Heck, just being with the person who makes your world go round. That makes me happy beyond compare.

15. Walks through the woods. Mine Falls in a nice place in Nashua. Likes it.

16. Blogging, actually. Surprise? It helps get out all of the anxiety and scarey moody junk that wells up inside.

17. Nerds.

18. Grafitti. Positive and negative grafitti. I just like it, when in apropriate places. On a hospital, not so much, but on a bridge or wall that would just be plain and empty otherwise, I like it filled with creation.

19. Plants and planting. My Hankigold's are blooming. :D

20. Camping.

21. Getting up and being productive, which is what I have to do tomorrow morning.

Goodnight, blog.
It's was nice being positive.
One more for the road?

22. Being able to make myself happy, even if it is rare.

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