Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I don't care about Lindsay Lohan going to jail.
Fantastic, I don't care.
Some of the other news stories, on the other hand.
All about planes and turbulance.

So, I have a flight in literally four hours.
How much have I slept, you ask?
Well, none.
But I've finished packing and weighing bags.
(Good news! I've lost eight pounds this week! How? Sure beats the heck out of me. But it happened. Chubbychubchub.)
My bag is full to the brim and weighs about 20 pounds.
Samantha's weighs thirty. I still can't figure out how she pulled that off.
But my carry on is packed, the taxi is booked, the tickets are ready.
Everything is all set.
Except, my MP3 is still not working.
Still not working, so no surprise.
Well. That stinks.

Let's get this all said out, mostly so I can plan myself and figure it all out.
3:00 am. Take a shower. (I'm late.)
5:00 am. Taxi. Awesome.
5:30 am. Give taxi driver the largest amount of money that has ever been in my wallet. Also, arrive at Manchester airport.
5:30-6:30 am. Check in, get tickets, check luggage, go through security, find gate, and wait to board.
7:00 am. Departure. (God I hate planes. Ground, I will miss you.)
7:00-9:50 am. Flight. Traveling back in time three hours.
9:50 am. Land. (My watch will actually say 12:50. So, six hour flight right off the bat. Awesome.)
10:00- 12:30 am. Vegas, baby. (1:00-3:30pm. Mhm. Three hours of absolutely nothing. Maybe food. Although, finding airport food without meat is tough.)
12:55 pm. Depart from Vegas. Finally. (4:00, East Coast.)
12:55-3:20 pm. Flight. Get me back on the ground.
3:20 pm. Land (oh land, how I love you) in Spokane, Washington. Find mama. Get baggage.
4:00 pm. Leave. The damn. Airport.
4:00-7:00pm. Give or take. Arrive in the beautiful Kennewick, Washigton, curl up in a ball, and sleep for four days.

Wake up at 6:00 am for crying adorable baby.

There will be pictures of the adventure later on.
But now, it's 3:30 am and I have not showered. Off scheduale. Yes. Shut up.

I miss you and love you.

Ha! I love hiding messages in random places for very special people. Even though this will probably never be read because it's so. damn. boring.
I do love you.
And I will miss you.
Already do, actually. You will be getting letters.

Let's hope I can get online by Monday so I can blog about how we're going camping with a baby and a puppy next week.
And yard-saling on Friday!
Man, I've missed yardsaling.



Well that's not a good salutation.

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