Monday, December 12, 2011


Library day.
Quick blog, because I want to go nap.

So I bought a new pair of headphones for myself.
And they're already breaking. Meh.

Today I interviewed Zach.
The first time I had a pretty good interview with him and a few others.
After the first minute, the recorder crapped out.
So we did it again today, as we were just so... uggggh.
I asked a few questions, got simple answers.
We were both just so done.
Then we layed down for a few minutes.
It was necessary.

I'm sick.
I was sicker this weekend, but I'm still sick.
All congested and whatnot.

On Friday, Devon and I went shopping.
I bought myself a ring and a copy of The Hunger Games.
They are pretty.
We stayed out until about 7:30, then we went to his house, wrapped a present for his mom, had dinner while watching Captain America, then he drove me home.
And we sat in the driveway.
And just talked.
Around 11 we decided the night was not over.
We went to Greely so he could pee.
Then we walked around a little and hugged a Christmas tree.
Then stood in a small little building and talked.
Then got back in the car.
Went to my driveway.
Then we went to Wal Mart.
It was closed.
Since when does Wal-Mart close?!
So we went back to my drive way.
And cuddled.
Until two in the morning.
Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men came on the radio.
It was awesome.
Then I went inside, because it was 2 and I was sick.
It was a good night.

Tech Week.
Day 1: I am sick.
I was packing my dinner for tonight, seeing as we will be here until 8 tonight.
I packed a small bag of chips, some trail mix, a granola bar, and a pack of crackers.
For desert, NyQuil.

Stay classy.

[This is the first post in a long time that had nothing to do with you, in whatever way. Huh.]

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