Saturday, July 31, 2010

9 o'clock update.


Landed. It's fantastic here.

Brother's awesome, family is awesome, weather is awesome.

Wait, what was that? No, no.

A... small mishap happened between my aunt and sister, who are the same age, or two years apart, or whatever.
No details, that's family stuff. Let's just say they got into an argument and they aren't speaking.
You have no idea how much I would like for us all to hang out together.
But they can't suck it up and face eachother.
God, this sucks.
I just don't think they understand.
We grew up together, damn it.
Samantha and I are only here for five weeks.
We only have a month to be a family.
For two kids to have their family, whole again, if only for a moment.
I've always wanted everyone together, even for just one damn day.
Mom, grandma, grandpa, aunt, sisters, brother, everyone.

Whatever, I'm just being selfish. I should stay out of their personal lives.

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