Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dan Alberts, this is my explination.

This morning before classes started, Dan and I were standing in the hall.
When I walked up, they had been talking about his twin brother Nick's $60,000 scolarship to Wells.
This is huge, in my opinion, and he should be extremely happy for his brother.
Eentually, Dan and I headed off to the drama room, where we stand every morning.
He started complaining about how his parents aren't going to pay for him to go to college.
"They'll pay for Nick to go to a $60,000 school, but won't pay for me to go to comunity college."
Quote-ish. Shouldn't quote tha, but it's just about what he said.
I have been keeping comments in lately. I told him that I wasn't going to go into what I thought about this.
Told him I would blog about it later.
Well, here it is.

Now, I'm not your parents, but this is how I see it.
You need to get them straight. You say you havn't been given the opertunites that he has.
Well, no. You don't go to a fancy shmancy private high school.
But you go to a damn good public high school.
There are MANY oppertunities here, and no, I don't think you took good use of them.
Not many people do.
But you could have.
Don't go pulling the Guidancce Counselors suck card on me.
I know they do.
But if you go to them and say you will do anything to get into these classes, do anything to succeed,
How can they turn you down?
They can't.
If you don't pass Drama, you're not graduating with your friends?
That doesn't make sence.
The process is easy, if you took the time to look it over and decided what you want to do.
So, should Nick not go to the best college he can get into because of money? No.
Nick is going places. I'm not saying you're not, because you are.
You just need to try harder.
I love you, and you know that.
If you don't change, oh well. It's your life.
I'll still be a part of it.
You just need to realize that if he doesn't get help, he isn't going to any of those colleges.
If your parents use his college money to pay for your college, you know how crappy that is going to make him feel?
Right now, he is going to need everyone.
He is lucky to have a brother like you.
You both need eachother, you have no idea.
I would do anything to have a sibling to be there for me.
Why do you think I am so damn excided to finally have one who I can help out.
Nobody has been here for me, and you know that.
You have two parents and a brother who would do anything for you.
Help them out.
Get a job, clean up the house, cook dinner every once in a while.
I would kill for the life you have. I wish you realized how lucky you actually are.

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