Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And to break this frickin cycle.

I am a sophomore in high school.
I shouldn't be worrying about college.
But I really want to get everything done.
Community college has always felt kind of.... dumb in my mind. But other colleges are too expensive, seeing as I have to pay for it by myself.
Make sure I have all of the classes that I need to take to even possibly get into college.
I'm pretty sure that I want to be a Veterinary Assistant, but it's hard to find a school that specializes in Veterinary sciences.
There are only 24 in America.
There are more that teach veterinary assistant courses, but not many.
There aren't many that give even Associates degrees in the course.
Most just give a certificate, if anything.
I have found one- Pierce College- that gives an Associates degree for Veterinary Sciences.
*This next part is soley for my own purposes, but you are more than glad to look over it*

Location: It's in Washington.
They have a Writing Center.
Freshmand Orientation is going to help me a lot.
Only about 20 miles from Seatlle.
No application fee.
About $7,000.
They have Veterinary Assistance course, which offers an Associates degree.
They have a student newspaper. With this, I can keep up with journalism.
Concert band.
Choral group. (Just in case I wish to start/continue these two.)
Small city.
Bird Refuge. That's pretty neat.

Overall: Pierce College is a good choice for me. So far.
Depending on how naive I am, at this moment.

About $7,000.
Community College makes me feel like I could do better.
Smal city- Don't really know how I feel about this.
To the students sitting next to me.
More frustration comes from you people.
Todays delema: Hyphenating.
They didn't know what it was. Didn't know how to do it.
Didn't know WHAT IT WAS, let me state again.
THANK GOD they are failing this class. It pisses me off when unworthy people pass classes.

Now they're talking about the difference between blunts and joints. Seriously. You're failing this class, do you realize this? And you're talking about weed.
You're going to have to take this class AGAIN as Juniors.
Then probubly again as Seniors.

They are watching videos about weed and blunts.
Freaking out about what will happen if Ricker sees.
Not realizing that he can see what everyone is doing via his computer.
Oh, the advantages there must be of being a teacher.

Now they're looking up how to get weed perscibed to you.
On a school computer, where everything is blocked.

It's so cliche, but,
People now-a-days.

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